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Quotes from books about daycare - 1980-1984, p1


Featured Books 1980-1984:  
The Daycare Decision pages:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
Books from: 1970  |  1980-1984  |  1985-1989 |  1990-1994  |  1995-1999  |  2000-2002  |  2003-2004  | 2005-2006 | 2007-2008 | 2009-2010 |



The Day Care Decision
What's Best for You and Your Child
by William & Wendy Dreskin,
© 1983, p 11
But we were going to offer a quality day care program. We did not have the slightest suspicion that there might be a serious problem with even the best day care programs.
We also saw some of the same boys and girls we had known as preschoolers ... become different children when they were subjected to the stress of full-time day care.
We saw the differences between the children who still came for only half a day for preschool and the children who attended full time.
After a year and a half of seeing this, we could no longer bear to watch. It was obvious that the children did not feel that staff-given understanding and comforting were adequate compensation for spending forty or fifty hours a week away from their parents. We found ourselves talking the center out of business...
Category = Behavior, Caregiver
The Day Care Decision
What's Best for You and Your Child
by William & Wendy Dreskin,
© 1983, p 17
The family experience is being diluted and diminished by the increasing use of full-time day care for young children. Most parents realize that the decision whether to put their child in someone else's care, and the choice as to the kind of arrangement, will significantly affect their work and family life. But very few are aware of how full-time day care affects their child's life, and the effects of the extensive use of full-time day care on the nature and direction of our whole society are not readily discernible.
Category = Caregiver. Behavior, Politics
The Day Care Decision
What's Best for You and Your Child
by William & Wendy Dreskin,
© 1983, p 18
Full-time day care, particularly group care, is not an adequate substitute for time spent with parents, and can be especially harmful for children under the age of three. For two years we watched day care children in our preschool/day care center respond to the stresses of eight to ten hours a day of separation from their parents with tears, anger, withdrawal, or profound sadness, and we found, to our dismay, that nothing in our own affection and caring for these children would erase this sense of loss and abandonment. We came to realize that the amount of separation--the number of hours a day spent away from the parents--is a critical factor.
Category = Behavior, Caregiver


Quotes from books about daycare - 1980-1984, p 1 


Last updated:  02/27/2008

Books:  1970 | 1980-1984 | 1985-1989 | 1990-1994 | 1995-1999 | 2000-2002 | 2003-2004 | 2005-2006 | 2007-2008 | 2009-2010

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