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What Can Happen at a Day Care
Cindy in Arizona,
Letters & Faxes,
This is an insider's view of a "preschool", otherwise known as a daycare center since the kids are there all day long.  Please know that this can and probably does occur in a number of daycares across the country; it is not just a case of one poorly run daycare....I think (sharing this letter) would make parents who send their children to daycare and think it's okay to think twice.  I used to work in this particular well-known franchise, and if I learned anything at all, it's that you cannot leave your kids with strangers.  They don't care as much as you do, and money is the driving force for many of the so-called daycares...
Everything I am going to say below is true:
  • We were rarely ever in the proper student-to-teacher ratio.
  • Older children were constantly being mixed with toddlers, therefore endangering the toddlers.  (keeping them separated would have meant having yet another teacher on staff, something the preschool didn't want to pay for.)
  • State laws required daily disinfecting of all the toys, floors, tables, bathrooms, etc.  It rarely ever happened that way.  (Could that be why we were so sick all the time?)
  • The school rules stated that sick children were not allowed to be there unless they were on antibiotics or had fully recuperated.  (Why, then, did the Director allow those (contagious) children into the school?)
  • (Several other bullets were removed because of explicit content and space considerations. --editor.)

I'll say it again, these incidents are TRUE.  If anyone thinks these problems were isolated incidents, think again.  Daycares...are generally in it for the money.  
NO ONE cares about or loves your child as much as you do
.  I thought I loved those children, but now that I have one of my own, I realize that I didn't really LOVE them at all.
Category =  Caregiver, Danger, Disease, Quality, Regulations


What Daycare Workers Say -- page 1

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Last Updated September 30, 2008

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