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  • Amitai Etzioni Notes - Personal and communitarian reflections from famous Israeli-American sociologist, Amitai Etzioni
  • Canada Family Action Coalition - A non-profit citizens' action organization to inform, equip and mobilize Canadians to defend and promote Judeo-Christian principles in law, politics, and society. 
  • The Catholic Legate - The Catholic Legate is a Canadian-based Catholic lay apostolate dedicated to teaching and defending the Catholic Faith.
  • Clayton Cramer's Blog -  Clayton's commentary from a conservative/libertarian perspective on news and events of the day.  In addition to being a software engineer, he is also a historian who has written a number of history books, as well as scholarly and popular articles. 
  • The Christian Heritage Party - is Canada's only pro-Life federal political party, and the only federal party that endorses the Judeo-Christian principles enshrined in the Canadian Constitution.
  • The Conservative Caucus - is a non-partisan, nationwide grass-roots public policy advocacy group dedicated to educating citizens about how to take action to restore America to its Constitutionally limited government.
  • DayCARE Shame - a daily summary of news stories on daycare abuse and neglect.
  • Endeavour Forum - Originating in Australia, this website was set up to counter feminism, defend the unborn and the traditional family.
  • Family Friendly Jury Duty - This site is dedicated to promoting Family Friendly Jury Duty laws which accommodate the needs of breastfeeding mothers, at-home parents of young children, and caregivers of disabled or elderly relatives, and those who depend upon them.   These laws would allow parents to defer  jury service until their child is older, thus avoiding a disruption in the developing parent/child bond. 
  • Freedom-in-education - this site provides information about educational initiatives in the UK that focus on meeting the individual needs of children.
  • Full Time Mothers  - is a British site that was established in 1990 in the face of relentless social and economic pressure on mothers to return to paid work outside the home.  Supports mothers who are courageous enough to take the financially difficult choice to work in the home in order to provide their children with a stable emotional foundation.
    As a society we need to remove the insecurity surrounding that choice, so that more women feel secure and fulfilled in taking it.
  • Homeschool Central - Provides resources for homeschoolers and those interested in homeschooling.
  • Kids First Canada - is a communications network of people working to better the lives of children.
    They are endeavoring to raise the social status of time devoted to caregiving and the anchor it provides, though unpaid, to a healthy society.
  • Kindred Magazine (formerly byronchild magazine) - From Byron Bay, Australia -- the global magazine for progressive families.  Supports and gives voice to the powerful movement towards conscious parenting and conscious living
  • LAF- Promoting beautiful womanhood - is dedicated to promoting and celebrating the unique differences between men and women and how each complements the other in their distinctive, God-given roles.
  • La Shawn Barber's Corner  - a Blog by La Shawn Barber, a freelance writer and a renegade supporter of conservative ideals.   She has contributed to The Washington TimesThe Washington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, Jewish World Review, The Black World Today, Grace-Centered Magazine and several other publications.
  • Orthodoxy Today - is maintained by Fr. Johannes Jacobse, a priest in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.  This site was established to provide interested readers with articles that bring a moral perspective to pressing cultural questions. 
  • Pennsylvania Family Institute  - The Mission of the Pennsylvania Family Institute is to strengthen families by restoring to public life the traditional, foundational principles and values essential for the well-being of society. They are a research and education organization devoted to restoring these values to Pennsylvania and the nation. They produce policy reports, promote responsible citizenship and work to promote unity among pro-family groups.
  • Pratt's Parenting Page - Pratt's Resources for Parenting and Beyond.
    Find:  Recipes & allergy information (dairy-free, gluten-free, etc.), resources for parents, grandparents, homeschoolers, teachers, etc., LDS resources, music graphic links and more.
  • Raising Godly Tomatoes (Formerly known as Loving Parenting with Only Occasional Trips to the Woodshed) - this site was designed by Elizabeth, a mother of TEN children (so far).  The main purpose of her website is to support and encourage mothers in godly children rearing. 
  • REAL Women of Canada - REAL Women of Canada (Realistic, Equal, Active, for Life) is a pro-family, non-partisan, non-denominational organization of independent women which promotes equality for all women.
  • Renew America  - is Alan Keyes' grassroots headquarters. Its purpose is to faithfully and courageously advance the cause of our nation's Founders.
    The site is for ALL people who consider themselves loyal Americans. It has no philosophy, image, or agenda beyond this one unifying premise: America must return to its founding principles if it is to survive.
  •! - A Blog dedicated to the Stay at Home Dad (SAHD) by Steven Remington
  • Ships Without A Shore - by Anne Pierce
    From day care for babies to the exhausting array of activities for children, to the storm of lurid and violent shows now deemed appropriate for children, childhood in American has been thoroughly redefined. Ships Without a Shore takes a much-needed look at how this radical redefinition has been embraced with remarkably little discussion about what children, by nature, need.
  • Universal Preschool - Universal Preschool is an advocacy campaign to protect parents' rights to choose the best educational course for their young children and to oppose the implementation of government mandated and funded "preschool for all" programs.
  • WATCh? - What about the Children?  - a national charity in the UK which promotes parental responsibility with particular emphasis on the emotional needs of children during their crucial first three years.
Disclaimer:  Because of the ever-fluctuating nature of the Internet allows other Web pages to change quickly, a link to a particular site does not necessarily imply endorsement or affiliation with the organizations listed.  The content of each site is the responsibility of its owner.

Last updated:  10/16/2012

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