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If you don't like daycare, here's what you can do...

~ Daycares Don't Care Store ~

(Spread the word by displaying 'Daycares Don't Care' logo clothing, bumper stickers, or window clings)

1. Visit our CafePress Store for Infant and Toddler gear such as infant bodysuits, toddler t-shirts, blankets, etc. with a design like this:

Daycares Don't Care bumper sticker/window cling


2. We are also offering 'Daycares Don't Care' stickers and clings for your car, truck, or van:
-(Temporarily out-of-stock, September 2014)-


Bumper Sticker: Daycares Don't Care bumper sticker/window cling


This  10.5 inch x 3 inch (267mm x 76mm) stylish bumper sticker is made from high quality vinyl. 
(They are intended for use on your own vehicle--as much as we dislike daycares, we cannot advocate placing them upon daycare vans, daycare buildings, or other daycare property.)
Click the 'Add to Cart' PayPal button below to get your very own bumper sticker for only $5 (U.S. Dollars) each. 

Window Cling:Daycares Don't Care bumper sticker/window cling


This  10.5 inch x 3 inch (267mm x 76mm) stylish  window cling is made from the finest quality vinyl film. 
It uses the same static electricity found in high-tech laser printers to gently cling to the inside of your car's window, so it
won't damage the paint job. 
(Not recommended for cars with dark windows, as it's too hard to see through the tinted class.)
Click the 'Add to Cart' PayPal button below to get your very own window cling for only $10  (U.S. Dollars) each. 

These stickers will let others know where you stand on daycares!    
If you're tired of hearing people rave about their 6-month-old learning social interaction skills while getting a jump on his/her schooling at their state-of-the-art 'early childhood education' center,  your bumper sticker and/or window cling will tell them exactly what you think!

Your fabulous window cling and/or bumper sticker will be mailed to you upon receipt of payment and should arrive in your mailbox within a week or two.  

Pay us securely with any major credit card through PayPal!
(PayPal is a service that enables any individual or business with an email address to securely, easily and quickly send and receive payments online)

Last updated:  09/10/2014


If you don't like daycare....  |  Buy a Window Cling or Bumper Sticker  |  Write your U.S. Representative

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