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Daycare Abbreviations
Daycare in the Arts
Daycare for Dogs (a.k.a. "Doggie Day Care" or "Doggy Daycare")
Daycare for Husbands (IKEA's Manland)
Daycare Furniture
Daycare Humor: Daycare Library Call numbers for books on Daycare (Where to look in the library)
Dewey Decimal Classification System = 362.712
Library of Congress Classification System = HQ778
Daycare in Literature
Daycare Names - creative names for day cares
Daycare and Prostitution
Daycare Robots - "high-tech" daycare
Daycare Saints - Saint Stylianos, Patron Saint of Daycare?!?!
Daycare Toys Daycare Translations - how to say "daycare" in other languages
Last updated 09/18/2011
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