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Frequently Searched Daycare Categories: |
- Behavior (includes
affection, aggression, attachment, biting, bonding, family life, insecure, mental
health, psychological problem, security,
- Caregiver (quotes from
childcare workers)
- Danger (includes abuse,
neglect, safety, trauma, etc.)
- Development (includes education,
intelligence, school achievement/performance)
- Disease (includes
cleanliness, germs, health, hygiene, illness, immune system, infection,
obesity, parasites, sickness, stress, etc.)
- Economics (includes cost,
marketing, profit, etc.)
- History (includes origins)
- Politics (includes
censorship, culture,
media, subsidies, society's attitude, tax policy)
- Quality (includes caregiver
turnover, child's needs, child/caregiver
ratios, duration, ratings, regimentation, standardization, etc.)
- Regulations (includes
inspection, laws, license, rules, standards, etc.)
- Religion
Frequently Searched Day-care Books, in
alphabetical order: |
7 Myths of Working Mothers - Why
Children and (Most) Careers Just Don't Mix
Being There: The Benefits of
a Stay-at-Home Parent
Day Care Deception
The Day Care Decision
Doing Time: What It Really Means
To Grow Up In Daycare
Early Child
Care - Infants and Nations at Risk
Facing the Effects of
Mother's Absence, Home by Choice
The Four-Thirds Solution
The Irreducible Needs of Children
There's No Place Like Work
Mothering Denied
Parenthood by Proxy
Raising Babies: Should under 3s go
to Nursery?
Ships Without a Shore: America's
Undernurtured Children
What's Wrong with Day Care
Who Needs Parents?
Who Will Rock the Cradle?
Frequently Searched Day Care
and Child Development Experts,
in alphabetical order: |
- Mary Ainsworth,
- Jay Belsky, Steve Biddulph, John Bowlby, T. Berry
Brazelton, M.D, Urie
- Bryce Christensen, Dorothy Conniff,
Dr. Peter S. Cook, Karen de Coster
- James Dobson, Wendy Dreskin,
Brandon Dutcher,
- Mary Eberstadt, Amitai Etzioni,
- Joseph Farah, Don Feder, Gregory Flanagan, Isabelle Fox, Selma Fraiberg,
- M.L. Genuis, Stanley Greenspan,
- Ronald Haskins Kathryn Hooks, Brenda Hunter,
- Jerome Kagan, Robert Karen, Marnie Ko,
- NICHD - National Institute for Child Health and
- Penelope Leach, Kathryn Jean Lopez, Norman M. Losenz, Rich Lowry,
- Michelle Malkin, Anne Manne,
Ilana Mercer,
Patricia Morgan, Bill Muehlenberg,
- Kate O'Beirne
- Kathleen Parker, Anne Pierce
- Brian Robertson, John Rosemond,
Steven Rhoads,
- May Saubier, Phyllis Schlafly, Laura Schlessinger
J. Conrad Schwartz,
Thomas Shaheen,
Charles Siegel, Byrna
- Andrew Peyton Thomas,
- Seyla Vee
- Suzanne Venker
- Charmaine Crouse Yoest
- Karl Zinsmeister
Last Updated
November 23, 2012