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 Quotes from books about daycare - 1990-94, p1


Featured Books 1990-1994:  
Facing the Effects of Mother's Absence, Home By Choice, pages:  1 | 2
The Hidden Costs of Childcare pages:  3 | 4
Crime and the Sacking of America:  The Roots of Chaos pages:  5 
Children First pages:  6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
Books from: 1970  |  1980-1984  |  1985-1989 |  1990-1994  |  1995-1999  |  2000-2002  |  2003-2004  | 2005-2006 | 2007-2008 | 2009-2010 |



Facing the Effects of Mother's Absence, Home by Choice
by Brenda Hunter, Ph.d,
page 43
Jonathon is an angry, troubled little boy.  During his first year of life, Jonathon (was placed in) a neighborhood day care center.  Jonathon tried to form attachments to the various child care providers, but no sooner had he forged a bond, than his caretaker left for a better job.  After a while Jonathon didn't seem to care about forming ties at the center; rather he became the preschool bully, snatching toys from other children, hitting and kicking peers and teachers on occasion.
Category = Behavior
Facing the Effects of Mother's Absence, Home by Choice,
by Brenda Hunter, Ph.d,
page 62
Just what does key infant day care research show?  Evidence since 1980 indicates that when a baby is placed in substitute care, even good quality care...for twenty or more hours per week during his first year of life, he is at risk psychologically.
Category = Behavior
Facing the Effects of Mother's Absence, Home by Choice,
by Brenda Hunter, Ph.d,
Studies such as the one conducted by J.C. Schwarz and his colleagues have shown that older children who entered day care before they were twelve months old are more physically and verbally abusive toward adults, less cooperative with grownups, and less tolerant of frustration than their counterparts who had no prior day care experience.
Category = Behavior
Facing the Effects of Mother's Absence, Home by Choice,
by Brenda Hunter, Ph.d,
page 66
Wendy Dreskin, who along with her husband, William, founded and directed a high quality day care center in San Francisco, became so concerned about the stressful effects of day care on the children that she and her husband closed their center.  Dreskin felt the children missed their parents and had to deal with a day that was far "too long for them."  The long day pushed some of the children, hungry for parental attention, over the edge.  Dreskin says of one child:  "One day when another little girl was sitting in a teacher's lap I heard Alison cry, 'I want teacher's lap.'  When the other child did not move, Alison attacked her, raking her nails across the child's face.  She reminded me of a starving urchin fighting for a scrap of bread."
Category = Behavior, Caregiver
Facing the Effects of Mother's Absence, Home by Choice,
by Brenda Hunter, Ph.d,
page 66
Dreskin explodes the myth that children stop crying the minute parents leave.  She says this is often what directors tell the day care workers to say to make parents feel better.
Category = Behavior, Caregiver


 Quotes from books about daycare - 1990-94, p1


Last updated:  02/27/2008

Books:  1970 | 1980-1984 | 1985-1989 | 1990-1994 | 1995-1999 | 2000-2002 | 2003-2004 | 2005-2006 | 2007-2008 | 2009-2010

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